Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I’m tired of following my dreams. So I’ll just leave them in their way and hook up with them later

There was once a young woman who wished to gain her heart’s desire.

She traveled far worlds and amazing places to find the one true thing that would fulfill her longing.

She met many bizarre and remarkable people, who in one way or another made a huge difference to her life.

But as she traveled from one world to another, the empty space in her heart grew larger and larger.

Each face she met only adds up to the pile of blank pages in her mind.

Nothing and no one left an imprint on her heart and soul.

At last, she grew tired of wandering.

She traveled back to the only place she knew by heart, the place she calls home.

It was there where she spent the last days of her humdrum life.

The life she left to search for her fate.

But it was there where she find the solace, the peace, and the bliss she longed for.

It was there where at last she found the one thing she desired so much for – her Heart’s Desire.